Vacuum Bomb Video

While discussing the alleged use of a vacuum bomb to aid troops of the Russian-led forces in invading Ukraine, Ukraine’s ambassador to the UN has said that the Russian troops could not have reached the frontline by themselves, and Russian troops were simply sent in to hold Eastern Ukraine in place. Ambassador Valeriy Chaly openly expressed his surprise at the response of the Russian ambassador who, when asked by Russia’s ambassador if Russia used such tactics during its invasion of Crimea, said that Russia didn’t use such tactics and only sent in troops to hold Eastern Ukraine.

Vacuum Bomb Video Youtube & Reddit

Over the past months, tensions between Russia and Ukraine have intensified rapidly, after the nations conducted several assaults on offshore territories of each other. This begs the question: When it comes to military equipment, which nation has more advanced technology? And what kind of brawny resource is needed to fuel it? The answer to these questions was revealed in a recent report in Russian media. In an exclusive report, The Post published a document issued by Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense that claims that a vacuum bomb was used by Russia’s special forces during the invasion.

What Is Vacuum Bomb Russia?

Russia has used a vacuum bomb during its invasion of Ukraine that spread radioactive material across Ukrainian territory, Ambassador Yelchenko claimed on Wednesday at a press conference in Kiev. He displayed images and videos of the sites of the supposed bombings. Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations Yuriy Sergeyev told at a Security Council meeting on Wednesday that Moscow had used a so-called vacuum bomb in east Ukraine, TASS reported. Sergeyev said using such bombs, which allegedly use explosive power similar to that of a tactical nuclear weapon, is banned by the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and other international arms control agreements.


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