3 Drunk Women Trashing Manhattan Restaurant Incident Explained

The 3 ladies were recorded on camera destroying an eatery place which is in Manhattan. Around 04:00 AM on Saturday, 2nd July 2022, the 27-year-old, Pearl Ozoria a resident of Manhattan, the 25-years-old Chitara Plasencia and 23 years old Tatiyanna Johson the citizens of Brooklyn involved in a verbal spat with the staff members. As the staff members of Ludlow Street Bal Fries, they got into an argument with the ladies after they informed them to pay extra money for the additional sauce and for that they needed to pay an extra $2. The eatery is situated on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

3 Drunk Women Trashing Manhattan Restaurant Viral Video

A staff member who captured the incident informed as well as warned the ladies, “You are gonna go to the prison,” as they began to create a lot of damage that eventually cost between $10,000 and $30,000. The 2 other employees, a male who is 33 years old and a female who is also the same age suffered head gash as a consequence of their rant, which creates their restaurant to be closed. In the viral video, one of the ladies is seen wearing a white colour tank top, viewing tossing something underneath the plexiglass barrier at the staff members. She also watched saying something but the voice of the alarm was quite loud and that is why it is difficult to understand what she was saying. All the three ladies are seen causing a lot of damage and doing weird and violent things. Due to their aggressive behaviour, the owner of the restaurant faced a lot of loss. The video is posted on Twitter and later on, went viral on other platforms as well. As per the reports, all the three ladies are facing different charges for their aggressive behaviour and one of the ladies also blows a fist on the face of a police officer.


VIDEO  3 Drunk Women Trashing Manhattan Restaurant Over  1 75 For Extra Sauce Video Went Viral On Social Media  - 5VIDEO  3 Drunk Women Trashing Manhattan Restaurant Over  1 75 For Extra Sauce Video Went Viral On Social Media  - 47VIDEO  3 Drunk Women Trashing Manhattan Restaurant Over  1 75 For Extra Sauce Video Went Viral On Social Media  - 71VIDEO  3 Drunk Women Trashing Manhattan Restaurant Over  1 75 For Extra Sauce Video Went Viral On Social Media  - 42