Barrister Babu 4th August 2021 Full Episode

Then at that moment, Anirudh breaks a liquid jar with his blade and the water gets sprinkled on him. It cleans his face and he begins seeing everything obviously. He retaliates and assaults every one of the contenders. He wins two adjusts all the while. Chandrachur states Anirudh is keen yet he actually has the masterstroke by which Anirudh would lose the opposition. Krishna Nagar spies toss stones at the cart puller and he swoons. Bondita some way or another figures out how to escape with Binoy and she begins pulling the cart herself. She heads towards the clinic yet the covert operatives stunt Bondita by altering the street bearings and she goes towards battling ground unwittingly. Spies examine that Chandrachur requested them to take Binoy to the battling ground. At a certain point, spies block Bondita’s direction and she begins pulling the cart as quickly as could really be expected. She falls to the ground in the wake of hitting a stone. Read More»>Sasural Simar Ka 2, 4th August 2021, Written Update: Simar Regrets For Her Unprofessional Behaviour Later then Anirudh battles with Chandrachur in the last round and is going to win yet Binoy enters the battling ground after that. Everybody begins tormenting him. Anirudh gets stunned to see Binoy there. He passes on the battling spot to save Binoy and Chandrachur chuckles. Somnath advises Anirudh to not leave the opposition halfway however Anirudh states his dad’s wellbeing is more significant. Bondita additionally enters to deal with Binoy and Thakuma states what is she doing here. Host reports Krishna Nagar as the champ of the opposition. Chandrachur prevails in his arrangement. Then after that, Thakuma gets angry. The past spy of Chandrachur who was remaining in Tulsipur comes and acclaims Bondita’s arrangement how she took Binoy here so Anirudh loses the game. She is truly savvy. Anirudh questions Bondita what’s the fact of the matter, would she state she is a covert agent of Krishna Nagar? Trilochan gets angry and states Bondita is a deceiver. Before Bondita could speak Thakuma states why Bondita is remaining with their foes. Sampurna slaps Bondita and misjudges her. Also, Check Here»>Udaariyaan 4th August 2021 Written Update: Fateh Blocked Jasmin’s Phone Number Whereas at that moment later Sampurna states Bondita broke her trust and secured her in the room so she can take Binoy to the battleground and dominate the match. Sampurna adds Bondita failed to remember everything with respect to her past, how Anirudh helped her, and just to dominate a senseless match she crossed her line and misdirected Roychowdhurys. Trilochan states he can’t really accept that Bondita arranged against them who used to save their regard by all means when she was Anirudh’s significant other. She is totally changed in the wake of turning into a barrister. Bondita attempts to clarify that she didn’t do anything incorrectly. She cries and requests a single opportunity to talk. Thakuma drives Bondita out from that point. She advises her to observe Krishna Nagar’s triumph. Anirudh checks Bondita’s tattoo and gets stunned and here is today’s episode of Barrister Babu finishes to know more about this article just save our website and seize the full episode on colors at 8:30 PM IST and for additional insights and updates stay associated with TheGossipsWorld.


Barrister Babu 4th August 2021 Written Update  Anirudh Breaks A Water Jar With His Sword - 41Barrister Babu 4th August 2021 Written Update  Anirudh Breaks A Water Jar With His Sword - 1Barrister Babu 4th August 2021 Written Update  Anirudh Breaks A Water Jar With His Sword - 65Barrister Babu 4th August 2021 Written Update  Anirudh Breaks A Water Jar With His Sword - 61